Shock Horror ” I have Never Been Molested By Donald Trump” .

I feel it is my duty to come forward, It is disappointing but I must reveal that I have never been molested by Donald Trump, there must be very few of us out there now but I have to live with the shame which means confronting my demons.

More Lovely relations in London they are coming before thanksgiving which is by chance the day my book is published. Everyone who comes here now is obsessed with Sidney whose picture is here . So Donald eat your heart out, nobody can compete with Sidney who captivates all who behold him. He has worked out a new system of co-parenting and has another human mummy who has a full set of expensive equipment for when he visits. When he returned from his adventure, he was very coy about it. He is irresistible, his next set of admirers commence visits at around eleven in the morning in time for coffee and snacks. I am learning, basically it’s people skills.

Sidney Won’t Kiss Me,Chaos, and Summer’s Grace.

We are keeping one of Beatrice’s magnificent puppies, but he won’t kiss me, it’s because the Sainted One has formed a relationship with him, Sidney is quite unique, a very complicated character and as this house is usually occupied by men of various ages I think it is a subliminal conspiracy and Sidney adores him. They are all the same you see quite manipulative. However this evening Sidney cracked and I got several kisses because it was supper time! So why the chaos ? Basically things got out of control there simply there was no time to file the various agendas so I worked out a new system open the door of what is laughingly called my office throw the stuff on the floor and leave it there, it worked a treat no more snooping and borrowing and continuous enquires. The SO is like inspector Clusot, there are ongoing investigations one to establish who walks down the stairs in such a way as to impose unnatural wear on the stair carpet which I installed twenty two years ago, apparently I should tread softly with an inane smile as I go about my duties, yep???? The most serious situation is why are there such weird bonfire smells coming from the basement early in the evenings accompanied by raucous laughter of a vulgar nature ?????

Well now for the really good news Summer’s Grace is going to the printers it is although I say it myself something of a masterpiece, I love it every bit of it with a team like Quartet what’s not to like about it? It’s namesake Grace is the PR and multi genius after whom I named it. We celebrated at my favourite restaurant, the owner asked who the beautiful girl was I said she was my boss, great feeling that , all about teamwork! And as for Peter!

Star Puppies